After reviewing our Adoption page, fill out this form to begin the adoption process.

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Adoption Application

Your Personal Information

Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
When is the best time for us to reach you via telephone?
Are you 18 years of age or older?(Required)

Background Information

Have you ever had a companion animal before?(Required)
Do you own or rent?(Required)

Are you aware that some animals require a period of weeks or months to adjust to their new environment, home, family, and/or other pets?(Required)
Are you able to show us the animal's living quarters through whichever method we consider best? (e.g. Live Visit, Video Chat, Pictures)(Required)
By filling out this form, you agree that you do not intend to use this animal for food, breeding or commercial gain.(Required)
By filling out this form, you agree not to sell this animal if you are unable to keep them in the future, and will contact Herd & Flock Animal Sanctuary before re-homing.(Required)